Statement on the U.S. Decision to Transfer Cluster Munitions to Ukraine

July 11, 2023

Project Ploughshares

Project Ploughshares strongly condemns the decision made by the United States to transfer cluster munitions to Ukraine.

We support the position taken by Canada and other states opposing this transfer and the use of cluster munitions by any party to the conflict in Ukraine. Cluster munitions pose both an immediate and long-term threat to civilians, particularly children. These inhumane weapons, which kill and maim indiscriminately, have been banned under the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM).

The majority of the world’s states have joined the CCM, which is critical to the enjoyment of peace and security. Project Ploughshares urges the remaining states – including the United States, Russia, and Ukraine – to join. We support calls by the Cluster Munition Coalition and other civil-society organizations for an immediate end to the transfer and use of these weapon systems. We also call on all parties to the current conflict in Ukraine to ensure the protection of civilians and uphold the principles of international humanitarian law. 


Statement on white paper
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